本實驗室主要以光纖或其他光學材料製作各式微型干涉儀光感測器,利用元件結構與使用之材料的特性,使所開發之微型感測器具有靈敏感測各種不同物理與化學參數,如: 溫度、濕度、角度、折射率等數值變化的功能。著名研發成果如下: lC-L Lee*, et.al“Novel Airflow Sensor Using Laser Heated Sn-Microsphere Airgap Fiber Fabry-Perot Interferometer,” IEEE PhotonTech Lett, 31, 1775-1778, 2019. C-L Lee* et.al “Hygroscopic Polymer Microcavity Fiber Fizeau Interferometer Incorporating a Fiber Bragg Grating for Simultaneously Sensing Humidity and Temperature,” Sensors Actuators B: Chem., . 222, 339-346, 2016. l C-L Lee* et.al “Dual hollow core fiber-based Fabry–Perot interferometer for measuring the thermo-optic coefficients of liquids,”Opt. Lett, 40, 2015. l C-L Lee* et.al“Asymmetrical dual tapered fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer for fiber-optic directional tilt sensor,Opt. Exp., 22, 24646-24654, 2014. l C-L Lee* et.al “Adiabatic fiber microtaper with incorporated an air-gap microcavity fiber Fabry-Pérot interferometer, Appl Phys Lett, 103,033515,